Sporta Saintika
<p style="text-align: justify;"><img style="float: left;" src="/public/site/images/admin/cover-oke.png" alt="" width="250" height="321"></p> <p>The Sporta Saintika Journal is a scientific publication in sports and health related to the fields of sports science, sports education, sports health, sports tourism, sports regulations and policies, nutrition and public health as well as sports performance / sports training. The publication of the Journal of Sporta Saintika aims to facilitate interaction, discussion and updating of ideas from sports scientists in Indonesia. The Journal of Sporta Saintika contains empirical and non-empirical research in the field of sports science.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <p>The journal Sporta Saintika is published twice in publications (March and September)</p> <p style="margin-left: 18.0pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 150%;">------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <p style="margin-left: 18.0pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 150%;"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="/public/site/images/admin/ISSN-ONLINE.png" alt=""></a> <img src="/public/site/images/admin/ISSN-PRINT.png" alt=""></p>Departemen Kesehatan Dan Rekreasi Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan Universitas Negeri Padangen-USSporta Saintika2502-5651Pengembangan Instrumen HOTS dalam Pembelajaran Bulutangkis
<p><em>Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) are skills that are needed by students in the 21st century. Therefore, lecturers need to develop HOTS through the learning process. However, this effort cannot be carried out optimally because there is no instrument to measure students' HOTS, especially in badminton learning that has met the standards of validity and reliability. The purpose of this research is to develop HOTS instruments in badminton learning. This research is classified as development research (R&D) involving nine validators as assessors and 39 students as test subjects. The instrument consists of three indicators: analyzing, evaluating and creating. Data analysis used Aiken V, ICC, Pearson correlation and Cronbach's alpha. The results stated that 17 HOTS items in badminton learning were valid and reliable.</em></p>Sefri HardiansyahNurlan KusmaediAmung Ma'munHerman SubarjahSyahriadi Syahriadi
2024-09-302024-09-309210912810.24036/sporta.v9i2.388Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Teknik Lanjutan Pencak Silat Berbasis Aplikasi Martial Art Augmented Reality Book
<p><em>Augmented reality technology is a technology that can impact various fields, including education. This research aims to create pencak silat learning materials that are practical, interesting and valuable. The research development model uses Borg and Gall, including data collection, planning, development, design validation, design evaluation, product testing, product evaluation, product testing, use, product evaluation and mass production. Based on expert validation, the development of martial arts learning materials based on augmented reality technology provides very good results and is feasible to use. The average expert validation result is 86,53%. Student response to the use of this media in learning pencak silat is very good with the acquisition of scores in the small group test of 87,3</em><em>2</em><em>% and in the large group test of 89,08%.</em></p>sonya nelson
2024-09-302024-09-309212914010.24036/sporta.v9i2.385Pengaruh penggunaan TENS dan ir secara bersamaan dan terpisah terhadap fleksibilittas otot
<p>Kemampuan otot untuk meregang, yang membantu mencegah nyeri dan cedera, dan memungkinkan pergerakan sendi yang efektif dan efisien dikenal sebagai fleksibilitas otot (Oktafianti, Sundari, et al., 2020). Kerusakan pada otot hamstring tidak hanya dapat menyebabkan kehilangan keseimbangan dan kekuatan, tetapi juga dapat menyebabkan gangguan pada tulang belakang lumbal (Oktafianti, Sundari, et al., 2020). Untuk meredakan nyeri nosiseptif, neuropati, dan muskuloskeletal, teknik non-invasif yang dikenal sebagai transdermal electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) digunakan, sedangkan Infrared (IR) adalah modalitas elektroterapi yang memancarkan energi elektromagnetik dengan penetrasi dangkal pada tubuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengukur pengaruh TENS dan IR terhadap fleksibilitas otot hamstring, baik secara bersamaan maupun terpisah. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain quasi-eksperimental (pre-test dan post-test). Penelitian berlangsung di Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta selama dua minggu, diikuti 60 mahasiswa berusia 19-24 tahun. Peserta dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok, masing-masing 20 orang. Perlakuan yang diberikan meliputi TENS dengan frekuensi 100 Hz selama 20 menit, infrared selama 15 menit, dan Passive stretching 3 set (10 detik per set). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi TENS+IR menghasilkan peningkatan fleksibilitas tertinggi dengan selisih rata-rata 1.16250, diikuti IR+TENS sebesar 1.07875, dan Passive stretching sebesar 0.99250. Kesimpulannya, TENS+IR memberikan hasil terbaik untuk meningkatkan fleksibilitas hamstring.</p>Yuanita Aisyah PutriTotok Budi Santoso
2024-09-302024-09-309214115310.24036/sporta.v9i2.392Implementasi Instrumen Servis Bolavoli Berbasis Kamera Artificial Intelligence
<p><em>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengimplementasikan instrument servis bolavoli berbasis kamera artificial intelligence (AI), implementasi ini bermaksud untuk melihat penggunaan instrument bolavoli berbasis kamera AI dilapangan. Jenis penelitian </em><em>ini </em><em>adalah </em><em>penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif, dengan metode </em><em>penelitian </em><em>survei. </em><em>Tempat penelitian </em><em>yaitu lapangan bola bolavoli Kampus Indralaya </em><em>dan SMA Negeri 1 Indralaya Utara.</em><em> Responden Pada Penelitian ini adalah Dosen Pendidikan Jasmani berjumlah 2 orang, mahasiswa Pendidikan Jasmani dan Kesehatan Universitas Sriwijaya Semester 5 berjumlah 96 mahasiswa yang mengikuti mata kuliah Tes dan Pengukuran Olahraga, yang terdiri dari kelas Palembang dan Indralaya, guru PJOK sebnyak 3 orang dan peserta didik sebanyak 30 orang sehingga total subjek penelitian adalah 131 orang. Teknik sampling penelitian adalah purposive samping.</em><em> Instrumen Penelitian menggunakan angket, setelah data diperoleh kemudian dilakukan analisis data pada setiap subjek uji coba menggunakan skala likert. Hasil penelitian adalah sebanyak 114 (87%) subjek menyatakan bahwa implementasi instrument servis bolavoli sangat baik. Imlementasi penelitian ini adalah instumen servis berbasis kamera AI dapat menjadi salah satu pilihan pada saat melakukan servis bolavoli baik pada saat disekolah, perkuliahan ataupun tempat latihan.</em></p>Destriana DestrianaDestriani DestrianiSilvi AryantiFitri Agung NandaDesti Riana Putri
2024-09-302024-09-309215416510.24036/sporta.v9i2.390Pengaruh Metode Latihan Drill Dan Koordinasi Mata Tangan Terhadap Forehand Dan Backhand Drive Tenis Lapangan
<p><em>This study aims to analyze (1) the differences in forehand and backhand drive strokes between field tennis athletes who received training using the drill massed practice training method and those who received training using the distributed practice training method, (2) the influence of the interaction between training methods and hand eye coordination on forehand and backhand drive strokes, (3) differences in forehand and backhand drive strokes between field tennis athletes who receive training using the drill massed practice training method and field tennis athletes who are trained using the distributed practice training method in field tennis athletes who have high hand eye coordination, (4) differences in forehand and backhand drive strokes between field tennis athletes who received training using the drill massed practice training method and field tennis athletes who were trained using the distributed practice training method in field tennis athletes who have low hand eye coordination.</em> <em>This type of research is quasi-experimental research with a Posttest Only Non-Equivalent Control Group Design. The population of this study is all tennis athletes assisted by PELTI Buleleng Regency in 2023 with a total population of 44 tennis athletes. The total sample in the study was 44 tennis athletes selected using the ordinal pairing technique. The data collected in this research is in the form of forehand and backhand drives. Forehand and backhand drive data were collected with Hewitt's achievement test. Data analysis was carried out using descriptive statistics and 2-way MANOVA test.</em> <em>The results of the research show that, (1) there are differences in forehand and backhand drive strokes between field tennis athletes who received training using the drill massed practice training method and those who received training using the distributed practice training method (F = 6.829; p<0.05), ( 2) there is an interaction effect between training method and hand eye coordination on forehand and backhand drive strokes (F = 5.512; p<0.05), (3) there are differences in forehand and backhand drive strokes between field tennis athletes who receive training using the training method drill massed practice and field tennis athletes who were trained using the distributed practice training method for field tennis athletes who had high hand eye coordination (F = 5.568; p<0.05), as well as (4) differences in forehand and backhand drive strokes between field tennis athletes who received training using the drill massed practice training method and field tennis athletes who were trained using the distributed practice training method for field tennis athletes who had low hand eye coordination (F = 6.570; p<0.05).</em></p>Ni Ketut Widhi Trisna WatiI K SudianaI K Iwan SwadesiH WahjoediI K Yoda
2024-09-302024-09-309216618310.24036/sporta.v9i2.359Pengaruh Pelatihan Shadow Drill dan Drilling terhadap Kelincahan dan Kecepatan Reaksi Pada Peserta Ekstrakurikuler Bulutangkis
<p>This study aims to determine the effect of shadow drill and drilling training on agility and reaction speed. This type of research is quasi experimental with the modified randomized pretest-posttest control group the same subject design. The research subjects used were badminton extracurricular participants of SMK Negeri 3 Singaraja. The data normality test in this study used the Shapiro-Wilk test with the help of SPSS 16.0 at the significance level (α) 0.05. Based on data analysis, the treatment group obtained (1) agility variable 0.791 with significant level 0.083, (2) reaction speed variable 0.939 with significant level 0.276. The calculated significant value is greater than the α value (Sig> 0.05), thus the research hypothesis "shadow drill and drilling training has an effect on increasing agility and reaction speed in badminton extracurricular participants of SMK Negeri 3 Singaraja" is accepted. From the results of data analysis and discussion, it is concluded that: (1) shadow drill training has an effect on increasing agility in badminton extracurricular participants of SMK Negeri 3 Singaraja, (2) drilling training has an effect on increasing agility and reaction speed in badminton extracurricular participants of SMK Negeri 3 Singaraja, (3) shadow drill and drilling training have an effect on increasing agility and reaction speed in badminton extracurricular participants of SMK Negeri 3 Singaraja.</p>Ni Komang YustariniI K SemarayasaK Y Parta LesmanaI K Iwan SwadesiSyarif Hidayat
2024-09-302024-09-309218419710.24036/sporta.v9i2.364Hubungan Bentuk Alas Kaki Terhadap Terjadinya Iliotibial Band Syndrome Pada Komunitas Pelari
<p>Running is a form of physical activity that is popular internationally because of its low cost and easy accessibility. Running communities and events are increasingly mushrooming, making the sport of running increasingly lively and popular with all groups. Iliotibial Band Syndrome is the second most common injury in runners after patellofemoral pain syndrome. Shoe components are considered important for providing cushioning and shock absorption when running so that runners avoid iliotibial band syndrome injuries. <strong>Objective:</strong> To determine the relationship between footwear shape and Iliotibial Band Syndrome in the runner community. <strong>Method:</strong> This research is quantitative by obtaining data using a survey method. This research used a cross sectional study. <strong>Results:</strong> Based on bivariate tests, the results were obtained. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> In this study, it was concluded that there was a relationship between the shape of footwear and the incidence of iliotibial band syndrome in runners.</p>Mediano Melania Kartika SariWahyu Tri Sudaryanto
2024-09-302024-09-309219821210.24036/sporta.v9i2.396Pengaruh Latihan Passing Aktif Dan Pasif Terhadap Keterampilan Passing Atlet Futsal
<p><em>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh latihan passing aktif dan pasif terhadap keterampilan dasar passing pada siswi ekstrakurikuler futsal SMPN 4 Bayongbong. Penelitian menggunakan desain eksperimen dengan pre-test dan post-test. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari 20 siswi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa latihan passing aktif memberikan pengaruh signifikan terhadap keterampilan dasar passing. Nilai rata-rata pre-test sebelum perlakuan adalah 9,1 dan meningkat menjadi 11,4 setelah 16 pertemuan, dengan peningkatan sebesar 2,3. Uji t-Test menunjukkan nilai t-hitung 0,54 > t-tabel 0,258, yang berarti signifikan. Sebaliknya, latihan passing pasif tidak menunjukkan pengaruh signifikan. Rata-rata pre-test sebesar 8,7 meningkat menjadi 11,4 dengan peningkatan 2,7. Namun, hasil uji t-Test menunjukkan t-hitung 1,114 > t-tabel 4,995, yang berarti tidak signifikan.</em></p> <p><em>Kesimpulannya, latihan passing aktif lebih efektif meningkatkan keterampilan dasar passing futsal dibandingkan dengan latihan passing pasif, serta meningkatkan motivasi siswi dalam berlatih</em></p>Aldy NugrahaAni KurniawatiAlam Hadi Kosasih
2024-09-302024-09-309221322310.24036/sporta.v9i2.397Kontribusi Kekuatan Otot Lengan dan Konsentrasi terhadap Keterampilan Shooting Free Throw Atlet Bola Basket
<p><em>This research focuses on the low free throw ability of basketball athletes in Binuang Sakti, Sijunjung Regency, with the aim of identifying and revealing the effect of arm muscle strength and concentration on free throw ability. The research method used is path analysis. The study population consisted of 39 Binuang Sakti basketball athletes, Sijunjung Regency, consisting of 25 men and 14 women. The sample was taken using purposive sampling technique, which selected 24 male athletes. Data were collected through a push-up test to measure arm muscle strength, concentration test grid to measure concentration, and free throw test with 10 repetitions. free throw test with 10 repetitions.</em></p> <p><em>The results showed: (1) There is direct effect of arm muscle strength on free throw ability, with a Py1 value of 0.235 or 6.4%. Py1 value of 0.235 or 6.4%. (2) There is a direct effect of concentration on free throw ability, with a Py3 value of 0.587 or 34.4%. (3) There is an indirect effect of arm muscle strength on concentration, with a P31.py3 value of 0.246 or 6.1%. (4) Overall, arm muscle strength strength and concentration have a significant influence on the ability free throw ability of Binuang Sakti basketball athletes, Sijunjung Regency, with a value of Rsquare value of 0.497 or 49.7%.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: Basketball, Muscle Strength, Concentration, Penalty Shots</em></strong></p>Fitrya MustikaMuhammad Sazeli RifkiTjung Haw SinGusril GusrilSari MariatiAdri Budiwanto
2024-09-302024-09-309222424210.24036/sporta.v9i2.401Pengaruh Jump Stop dan One Two Stop Shot terhadap Kemampuan Shooting
<p><em><span lang="IN">The problem in this study is the low achievement of the basketball team of the Bukittinggi City Lightning Basketball Club. This study aims to see the effect of </span><span lang="IN">jump stop shooting </span><span lang="IN">and </span><span lang="IN">one two stop shooting </span><span lang="IN">exercises on the </span><span lang="IN">shooting </span><span lang="IN"> ability of basketball athletes of the Bukittinggi City Lightning Club. This research is a type of experimental research. The population in this study is 14 boys and 10 girls from the Bukittinggi City Halilintar Basketball Club. Sampling was taken using </span><span lang="IN">a proportional sampling</span><span lang="IN"> technique, so the sample taken in this study was 14 male athletes. This research instrument is through a shooting ability test. The statistical data analysis technique used </span><span lang="IN">the liliefors normality test </span><span lang="IN">and the t-test with a significant level of ɑ=0.05. The results of the analysis showed: (1) There was an effect of </span><span lang="IN">jump stop shoot training on the </span><span lang="IN">shooting </span><span lang="IN">ability of basketball </span><span lang="IN">athletes of the Bukittinggi City Lightning Club. (2) There is an effect of one </span><span lang="IN">two stop shoot training on the </span><span lang="IN">shooting </span><span lang="IN">ability </span><span lang="IN">of basketball athletes of the Bukittinggi City Lightning Club. (3) There is an effect between </span><span lang="IN">jump stop shoot </span><span lang="IN">and </span><span lang="IN">one two stop shoot </span><span lang="IN">exercises on </span><span lang="IN">shooting</span><span lang="IN"> ability. The </span><span lang="IN">one-two stop shoot </span><span lang="IN"> practice has a greater effect than </span><span lang="IN">jump stop shoot </span><span lang="IN">on the </span><span lang="IN">shooting ability </span><span lang="IN">of basketball athletes of the Bukittinggi City Lightning Basketball Club</span></em></p>Irfan OktavianusEko PurnomoAlex Aldha YudiCarsiwan carsiwanvivi novia eka putri