Sporta Saintika <p style="text-align: justify;"><img style="float: left;" src="/public/site/images/admin/cover-oke.png" alt="" width="250" height="321"></p> <p>The Sporta Saintika Journal is a scientific publication in sports and health related to the fields of sports science, sports education, sports health, sports tourism, sports regulations and policies, nutrition and public health as well as sports performance / sports training. The publication of the Journal of Sporta Saintika aims to facilitate interaction, discussion and updating of ideas from sports scientists in Indonesia. The Journal of Sporta Saintika contains empirical research in the field of sports science.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <p>The journal Sporta Saintika is published twice in publications (March and September)</p> <p style="margin-left: 18.0pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 150%;">------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <p style="margin-left: 18.0pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 150%;"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="/public/site/images/admin/ISSN-ONLINE.png" alt=""></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="/public/site/images/admin/ISSN-PRINT.png" alt=""></p> en-US (Windo Wiria Dinata) (Alfi Muharel) Tue, 26 Mar 2024 09:05:13 +0000 OJS 60 Pengaruh Metode Pelatihan Terhadap Ketepatan Servis Ditinjau Dari Koordinasi Mata Tangan Atlet Tenis Lapangan <p><em>ABSTRACT</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Ni Putu Wulan Krisna Dewi, 2023. <em>The Influence of Training Methods on Serving Accuracy as Seen from the Hand-eye Coordination of Field Tennis Athletes at the Tennis Club in</em> Gianyar. <em>Thesis (unpublished)</em>. Singaraja: UNDIKSHA <em>Postgraduate</em> Program</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em>This thesis has been corrected and checked by Supervisor</em> I: Dr. I Ketut Yoda, M.Or, and Supervisor II: Dr. I Ketut Iwan Swadesi, S.Pd., M.Or.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em>Competency in tennis skills is one of the aspects that must be mastered in playing tennis. However, sometimes this cannot be achieved due to inappropriate methods. This study aims to determine the effect of training methods on service accuracy in terms of hand-eye coordination of field tennis athletes at a tennis club in Gianyar. This type of research is a quasi-experimental research with a Posttest Only Non-Equivalent Control Group Design which involves a sample of 60 tennis athletes selected using the ordinal pairing technique. Data was collected using Hewitt's achievement test. Data analysis was carried out using descriptive statistics and a 2-way ANOVA test followed by the LSD test. The results of the study showed that the fixed target training method had a significantly better impact on tennis serve accuracy compared to the moving target method. There is an interaction between training methods and hand-eye coordination, where the fixed target training method is more suitable for athletes with high hand-eye coordination, but on the other hand, with low hand-eye coordination, the moving target method is more suitable. It was concluded that fixed target and moving target training methods can improve the accuracy of field tennis serves.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>Key words: training methods, service accuracy, hand eye coordination</em></p> Ni Putu Wulan Krisna Dewi, I. K. Yoda, I. K. I. Swadesi, M. A. Dharmadi, W. Danardani ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 26 Mar 2024 07:59:07 +0000 Pengukuran Kebugaran Keseimbangan Online Menggunakan Modifikasi Standing Stork Test <p><em>The COVID-19 virus is one of several viruses that have hit the world so widely and evenly that it has had an impact on the world of education. Under these circumstances, education must continue to be carried out remotely. Education using ICT media and internet networks is one way to overcome distance education. The use of online learning media can make students more independent and experience different experiences when learning through video, audio and text. For physical education it will give more challenge when physical assesment have to carried out for measuring student physical achievement. Balance as physical fitness was the subject of this study that will be measure with a modificated standing stork test. The standing stork test can allegedly be carried out boldly. The homogeneity test obtains a significance value of 0.886 which has a value greater than 0.05, so it can be interpreted that the data distribution is homogeneous or comes from populations that have the same variance. To test the validity using the product moment correlation test, a significance value of 0.001 is obtained which has a value less than 0.05 so that online and offline data can be said to be valid. Because the data is not normally distributed, the parametric test cannot be carried out so that the non-parametric test is bound using the Wilcoxon test for its reliability test. A significance value of 0.112 was obtained for the right leg and 0.223 for the left leg which was greater than 0.05 so that it meant that there was no significant difference between online and offline implementation.</em></p> Fajar Hidayatullah, Muhammad Zulkifli, Heni Yuli Handayani, Darus Shufi, Melly Nur Aulia Putri ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 26 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Terhadap Hasil Belajar Chest Pass Permainan Bola Basket Ditinjau Dari Motivasi Belajar Peserta Didik <p><em>Skills competency is one aspect that must be achieved in learning. However, sometimes this cannot be achieved due to inappropriate learning strategies. This research aims to determine the effect of STAD type cooperative learning assisted by visual fedback on the learning outcomes of basketball game chest passes in terms of students' learning motivation. This research uses a quasi-experimental method using a post-test only control group design. The population is 358 students in class The sampling technique uses random sampling with random groups to determine the experimental and control classes. The samples in each cell were 19 people. Data was collected through tests and analyzed using two-way Anova analysis followed by the LSD test. The results of the research show that the STAD type cooperative learning model assisted by visual feedback has a significantly better impact on learning outcomes for chest passes in the game of basketball compared to learning outcomes using conventional models. There was an interaction between the learning model and learning motivation, where it was found that the STAD cooperative learning model assisted by visual feedback was more suitable for students with high learning motivation, but on the other hand, low learning motivation was more suitable for using the conventional model. It is concluded that the STAD type cooperative learning model can improve learning outcomes for chest passes in basketball in high school</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Ni Kadek Amiariasti, I Ketut Sudiana, Made Agus Dharmadi, I Ketut Semarayasa, Kadek Yogi Parta Lesmana ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 26 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pengembangan Model Latihan Forehand Drive Tenis Lapangan Berbasis Situasi Bermain <p>Riau Tennis Camp's tennis performance is currently experiencing a decline, this can be seen by the absence of Riau Tennis Camp players winning the National Junior Tennis Championship in Singles. To achieve maximum performance, you need maximum practice, especially in mastering basic tennis techniques. The most dominant basic technique in tennis is the forehand groundstroke. So this research aims to improve basic tennis technical skills, especially Forehand Drive Tennis. This research is an R and D development research on the development of a field tennis Forehand Drive training model based on playing situations using the Borg and Gall development model which includes 10 R&amp;D research stages as follows: (1)<em>Research and information collecting</em> (research and data collection), (2)<em>Planning</em> (planning), (3) (initial product draft development), (4) Expert validation, (5) Revision of expert validation results, (6) (main field trial), (7) (revisions to products), (8) (conducting operational field trials), (9) (final product revision), (10) (dissemination and implementation)</p> Rices Jatra, Mimi Yulianti, Wahyu Kurniawan, Alnedral Alnedral, Kamal Firdaus ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 27 Mar 2024 07:00:06 +0000 Pengukuran Capaian Vo2max Dalam Satu Kali Sesi Cooper Test Pada Pemain Bulutangkis <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Badminton is a sport that is popular win Indonesian people and is not limited by age. The indicators that a badminton player must choose are cardiorespiratory endurance and maximum oxygen consumption capacity or good Vo2max. To measure VO2max, you can use a 12-minute running test (Cooper test). </em><em>This research aims to determine the effect of the Cooper test on increasing Vo2max in female badminton players at Gor Zuper Badminton Surabaya. This research uses a Quasi-Experimental research method with a one-group pre-test and post-test design. The number of samples in the research was 15 female badminton players who were members of a club. Statistical analysis used the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The normality test results show that the pretest and posttest have a significance level of more than 0.05, this means that the pretest and posttest data have a normal distribution. The results of the t-test data analysis show that the mean value of pre-</em><em>Vo2max is 34.00 and the mean value of post-Vo2max is 37.00. The significance test with a result of 0.001 is smaller than the significance of 0.05 (0.000&lt;0.05), meaning that there is a significant effect of 12 minutes of running training on increasing the Vo2max of female badminton players at Gor Zuper Badminton.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: Cooper test, Badminton, Vo2max</em></strong></p> Nurul Fajri Romadhona, Cakra Waritsu, Idris Hasyim ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 27 Mar 2024 13:12:40 +0000 Pengembangan Alat Bat Pada Cabang Olahraga Tenis Meja dengan Modifikasi Bahan Baku Kayu Pulai <p><em>Bat Tenis Meja merupakan bagian paling penting untuk menunjang proses pelaksanaan latihan atau pertandingan pada atlet tenis meja. </em><em>Penelitian ini bertujuan</em> <em>untuk memenuhi kebutuhan atlet – atlet pemula di klub Angsapura Medan</em><em> dengan memiliki alat bantu bat tenis meja</em><em>.</em> <em>Metode penelitian ini </em><em>menggunakan Rnd dari&nbsp; </em><em>Borg&nbsp;&nbsp; and&nbsp;&nbsp; Gall</em><em> melalui 10 tahap. </em><em>Data hasil penelitian berupa kualitas produk, saran untuk perbaikan produk dari para ahli dan hasil pengisian kuisioner oleh atlet. uji coba kelompok kecil (15 atlet), dan uji skala besar (30atlet). Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah statistik deskriptif&nbsp; untuk mengungkap aspek kepuasan atlet saat menggunakan produk. </em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>Dari data hasil uji coba skala kecil diperoleh nilai kelayakan sebesar 66,32% , dan hasil uji coba skala besar 91,87%, maka berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembanganbat tenis meja menggunakan bahan baku kayu pulai ini memenuhi kelayakan untuk dapat digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan atlet pemula tenis meja di klub Angsapura Medan.</em></p> Ardiansyah Rica Samsu Goli, Tomoliyus Tomoliyus, Sumarjo Sumarjo, Elsa Ariestika ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000